Apply for coaching with Ty Lewis —

because a closed mouth never gets fed.

If this sounds like you,
you’re in the right place.

You have big dreams and goals you want to achieve, but you’re not sure how to get to where you want to be. On the surface, everything seems okay. But underneath, you feel stuck, uncertain, and adrift. You know that you’re meant to lead a purpose-driven life. And you know that your best self is inside of you somewhere. But you’re not sure how to find it.

Coaching with

Ty Lewis

Ty Lewis is ready to help you become the best YOU that you can be. Whether you’re looking to improve your financial knowledge, build a business, or set and stick to personal goals, Ty is here to be your accountability partner and guide you in your journey.

Ty’s Coaching Offerings

  • Financial Coaching

    Set and achieve your financial goals with Ty as your coach. Work toward becoming financially free, build and stick to a budget, reach your savings goals, plan for retirement, improve your credit, and more.

  • Business

    Turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality with Ty as your coach and advisor. Whether you want to improve an existing enterprise or start a new venture, you’ll have Ty in your corner.

  • Personal Life Coaching

    Get unstuck, set and achieve your personal goals, and live a more purpose-driven life with Ty as your coach, accountability partner, and sounding board.

How Coaching Works

With Ty as your coach, you’ll start by shifting your mindset. Next, you’ll evaluate your current situation and create goals for the next season of your life. Through consistent check-ins and sessions, you’ll take small steps and giant leaps toward living your best life and becoming your best self.

You’ll work together with Ty to plan a series of regular sessions on a monthly, biweekly, or weekly basis. Ty will help determine a focus for each session, and in between sessions, you’ll have established checkpoints to help you stay motivated during the process.

Ready to take the leap?

Fill out the inquiry form.